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Our Founder, Patron & Trustees

Debbie North

Debbie is a freelance consultant, writer and motivational speaker – an expert in accessibility in the Countryside – making the inaccessible accessible.

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Debbie North Founder of Access the Dales


Melanie Cox-Globe, Trustee of Access The Dales

Melanie Cox-Globe


Mel is a headteacher of  a large Primary School. She has a love of the walking  and is passionate about getting children outdoors. Mel, Debs and Andy were often found out of the fells together and were known locally as the ‘Laid Back Trio’ 

Amy-Rose Medlock, Trustee of Access The Dales

Amy-Rose Medlock


Deaf musician and Community Arts Specialist Amy-Rose Atkinson set-up Access The Arts in 2016 with the aim of improving access and inclusivity within the creative arts. Her love of walking grew through the time she spent in the Dales with Debs and Andy and her husband Adam. 

Jonathan Smith, Trustee of Access The Dales

Jonathan Smith


Jonathan Smith is an expert local walking guide, mountain leader and author. Jonathan leads navigation course in the Yorkshire Dales and despite being a football fan of Newcastle was a close friend and walking buddy of Andy. 

Holly Brega, Trustee of Access The Dales



Holly is a freelance videographer, specialising in nature and travel.  Holly, Debs and Andy spent many a happy hour walking in the Yorkshire Dales together. 

Disclaimer: All information on this site is given in good faith and no liability is accepted in respect of any damage, loss or injury which might result from acting on it.

© Access The Dales 2023

Access the Dales is a registered charity, number 1199934



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