Being out in nature is a wonderful experience, however this can come with it challenges when trying to take part in these adventures when having a disability, or unsure on your abilities to go on walks if it is not something you are used to doing. For this reason, we have worked on trying to make this more access for all.
Following the guidance provided by Sensory Trust on behalf of Natural England, and in collaboration with Natural Resources Wales, they have designed a grading system for walk which inform you on what they route is like to walk.
The categories are:

Route for all – Green:
Gradients will be no more than 1:10 and the surface will be hard and smooth with some loose stones no bigger than 10mm. They are suitable for everyone, including people operating their own wheelchairs and pushchair users. Path widths will be a minimum of 1 metre with passing places.

Route for many – Blue:
Existing gradients no more than 1:10, although newly built gradients can be up to 1:8. The path surface will preferably be hard and firm in all weather and may be rougher with some stones of 4cm diameter. They are suitable for assisted wheelchair users and those with more robust, all terrain type buggies.

Route for some – Red:
Existing gradients will be no more than 1:8 will have improved surfacing or handrails. There may be some low steps up to 10cm in height. Stone surface material may be up to 10cm in diameter.
Below you will find each of the 10 National Parks, we have developed tables of the different walks that are with graded with the Miles without Stiles grading or have been identified as accessible walks for you to easily work out which you may enjoy.
Dartmoor National Park | Exmoor National Park |
Lake District National Park | New Forest National Park |
North Yorkshire Moors National Park | Northumberland National Park |
Peak District National Park | South Downs National Park |
Norfolk Broads National Park | Yorkshire Dales National Park |

MSc Occupational Therapy Student
Sheffield Hallam University